
Expert Reiki Healing for Your Physical & Emotional Health in Victoria

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Reiki is a healing practise that originated in Japan nearly 100 years ago in 1922. It was created by a Buddhist Monk named Mikao Usui. Reiki uses the ideology that the Reiki practitioner can channel energy into their client using light touch and this, in turn, activates the body’s natural healing processes restoring both physical and emotional health. The term Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words Rei, meaning Universal life, and Ki, meaning energy. It’s also not associated with any set of beliefs, inclusive of religious ideologies. Meaning it’s a healing option available to anyone.

There are two different methods for Reiki, hands-on and hands-off. Most commonly used is hands-on, where the practitioner lays their hands on the client to move unseen Universal energy. The goal is to move energy from a low state to a higher, healthier state. The practitioner isn’t moving energy from their own body, but rather acting as a conduit through which Universal energy flows through. Individuals who have low energy are said to get sick more often, feel run down and suffer from a severe decline in mood. If you’re currently dealing with any of these signs or symptoms, Reiki may be for you.

Call us on 0417 632 295 to book your Reiki session today!

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